
ACM Statement

In the United States, and throughout many regions around the world, current events have brought attention to the urgent need for equality and respect for all individuals. ACM reaffirms its commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion within the global computer science community.  

As an international organization of nearly 100,000 professionals, ACM respects the essential worth of all people and firmly believes that diversity strengthens the scientific enterprise and society as a whole. ACM’s Code of Professional Ethics embodies these principles, and our Diversity and Inclusion Council works to translate them into effective action. 

ACM is committed to creating an environment that welcomes new ideas and perspectives, and where hostility or other harmful behaviors are not tolerated. As an organization, we stand with those who promote inclusivity.


SIGCOMM is ACM's professional forum for discussing communications and computer networks.

SIGCOMM members include scientists, engineers, educators and students. They study all aspects of computer communications and networks: analysis, technical design, engineering, measurement and management. Our members are particularly interested in the systems engineering and architectural questions surrounding computer communication.

Special Statement on Freedom of Mobility

SIGCOMM supports a wide variety of activities in the field:


Professional meetings


Recognition and support for computer networking professionals

Here are links to more information about SIGCOMM: 

If you are a computer networking professional, please consider joining ACM SIGCOMM: Join online here.

Recent News

  • September 4, 2024


    1. A New Proposal for Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
        The SIGCOMM EC has developed a proposal for a new approach we are taking on diversity and inclusion. Building upon last year's discussions and community feedback, we've crafted a plan to allocate resources and efforts strategically. Our goal is to empower students in need and create an inclusive environment in a sustainable manner. Please take a moment to read our proposal and share your thoughts. Your input will help create a more supportive and equitable community.
        Here is a link to the proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fZFIXQR-fFIaOiZmhLFtLSEr5A5Q2qoCsSuTT9phI1o/edit?usp=sharing.
    2. SIGCOMM CARES Call for Nominations
        The SIGCOMM CARES committee would like to add 2+ new members for a 3-4 year term. To help the committee serve the community as a whole, we encourage diversity in nominees along many dimensions.

    • You are welcome to use the form to nominate yourself and/or others.
    • If you are nominating someone else, please reach out to the nominee to encourage them to also self-nominate, but if they do not we will reach out to candidates under consideration.
    • If you are nominating yourself, you are welcome to ask 0-2 others to also recommend you via the same form.
    • We will begin considering nominations on September 30, 2024.

        Please direct any questions or comments to cares@sigcomm.org
        We look forward to your nominations!
    3. IMC'25 Call for Papers
        The Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) is a highly selective venue for the presentation of measurement-based research in data communications. As we are in the era of data-driven research, IMC 2025 will focus on improving the standard in the collection, usage, and sharing of network measurements for the research community. IMC 2024 will continue the Replicability Track for submissions that aim to reproduce or replicate results that have been previously published at IMC. IMC will have two deadlines per year (Nov 21st, 2024, and May 15th, 2025). Full papers (up to 13 pages) and short papers (up to 6 papers) are invited for submission. 
        For more details, see: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/imc/2025/cfp/.
    4. Call for Site Proposals for SIGCOMM'26
        The SIGCOMM EC is excited to announce the call for site proposals for SIGCOMM 2026! As we plan for another impactful conference, we invite potential organizers to propose exciting locations and venues. SIGCOMM follows a three-year rotation (North America, Europe, and 'wild card'), so 2026 is "wild-card", so proposals should be outside North America and Europe.
        Here's your chance to shape the future of SIGCOMM and showcase your geographic region and its vibrant research ecosystem. Strong proposals should be near a major international airport, within reach of regular train/cab/shuttle service, have a venue to hold and provide Internet connectivity for over 700 attendees. Please submit your proposals by November 15 2024. 
        For more details, see: https://www.sigcomm.org/conference-planning/sigcomm-planning/site-proposal-instructions.

  • April 1, 2024


    1. Call for SIGCOMM Rising Star Award Nominations
        The deadline for SIGCOMM Rising Star Award nominations is July 15th! Please help spread the word and send out your nominations.
         You can check more information here.
    2. Call for Talk Proposals: Networking Channel Fall'24 Session
        As we gear up for the Fall 2024 session of the Networking Channel, we invite you to contribute your ideas and expertise to our vibrant community. The Networking Channel is an online talk series dedicated to all things computer networking, and we're excited to curate an engaging lineup of discussions, panels, and thought-provoking talks (for our previous events, please see our web site https://networkingchannel.eu/ and youtube channel linked therein). Whether you're a seasoned researcher, a budding practitioner, or simply passionate about networking, we want to hear from you! Propose topics that ignite curiosity, challenge norms, or shed light on emerging trends. Self-nominations, nominations of others, talk ideas, topic ideas, thought-provoking questions, etc are all welcome. Proposals are taken year-round but for Fall'24 please submit by August 15, 2024. Please submit your ideas using this form: https://networkingchannel.eu/contact/. Include a brief description of your idea, and speakers or panelist details (if applicable).
    3. SIGCOMM'24 Call for Non Paper Sessions
        Beyond technical papers, conferences thrive on informal interactions, mentoring, and diverse sessions. While traditional research paper sessions have their place, we’re exploring new avenues. As an experiment, we invite proposals for non-paper sessions. Let’s reimagine the SIGCOMM conference together! Submit exciting ideas that enrich our community experience. We invite proposals for both technical and non-technical non-paper sessions. Technical Sessions deviate from traditional formats; examples: Invited talks, panels on cross-disciplinary impact, lightning talks, hackathons, and insights from non-traditional participants (e.g., open-source maintainers). Non-Technical Sessions foster community connections; examples: personal networking events and mentoring sessions. Our evaluation criterion: interest to the SIGCOMM community. Let's reimagine conferences together! Please submit your proposals by the due date of April 26, 2024. 
        For more details, see: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2024/cf-nonpaper/.
    4. SIGCOMM'24 Call for Posters, Demos, and Student Research Competition
        Join us at SIGCOMM 2024 for an exciting showcase of works-in-progress! Our poster/demo session provides an informal platform to present your research. Here’s why you should participate: Student and industry submissions are welcome. Emphasize research problems faced by the industry and share practical insights. Presenting a poster allows you to receive feedback from experts. Accepted posters and demos will be part of the conference proceedings. Showcase your original research before judges and attendees in the ACM SIGCOMM Student Research Competition (SRC). Submit your proposals and be part of the vibrant SIGCOMM community!
        For more details, see: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2024/cf-posters/.
    5. CoNEXT'24 Call for Papers (June Cycle)
       The Proceedings of the ACM on Networking (PAMCNET) journal is seeking papers containing significant and novel research results on emerging computer networks and its applications. All accepted long papers will also be presented in the ACM CoNEXT 2024 conference (https://conferences.sigcomm.org/co-next/2024/#!/home), which will be held in Los Angeles, California, USA in December 2024. This is a new model that strives to combine the benefits of both conference and journal based publication. We especially encourage submissions that present novel experimentation, creative use of networking technologies, and new insights made possible using analysis. There are two submission opportunities over the course of the year. The June submission deadline is June 14th, 2024 (the registration deadline is June 7th, 2024). A link to the call for papers is here: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/co-next/2024/#!/cfp.
    6. CoNEXT'24 Call for Workshop Proposals
        ACM CoNEXT 2024 is soliciting proposals for new, as well as recurring editions of, workshops. CoNEXT 2024 will hold multiple one-day workshops in conjunction with the conference, to be held in Los Angeles, California, USA from December 9 to 12, 2024. Workshops will take place on Monday, December 9, the day before the main conference begins.
        We invite you to submit workshop proposals on any topic related to the broad set of research and application areas covered by the ACM CoNEXT conference. We welcome workshops on topics in network research, practice, and education. The workshop format itself should favor interaction among participants and community building. We welcome returning workshops.
        For more details, see: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/co-next/2024/#!/cfw.
    7. SIGCOMM'24 Call for Workshop Proposals
        As we gear up for SIGCOMM 2024, we invite you to shape the conference by proposing workshops that delve into cutting-edge topics, foster collaboration, and ignite discussions. Workshops provide an intimate setting for in-depth exploration, and we encourage diverse and innovative proposals. By proposing a workshop, you can help influence the research direction of our community, help experts and students connect, and contribute to the SIGCOMM experience. Accepted workshop papers will be part of the conference proceedings.
        For more details, see: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2024/cf-workshops/.
    8. A New Proposal for Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
        The SIGCOMM EC has developed a proposal for a new approach we are taking on diversity and inclusion. Building upon last year's discussions and community feedback, we've crafted a plan to allocate resources and efforts strategically. Our goal is to empower students in need and create an inclusive environment in a sustainable manner. Please take a moment to read our proposal and share your thoughts. Your input will help create a more supportive and equitable community.
        Here is a link to the proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fZFIXQR-fFIaOiZmhLFtLSEr5A5Q2qoCsSuTT9phI1o/edit?usp=sharing.

    9. IMC'24 Call for Papers
        The Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) is a highly selective venue for the presentation of measurement-based research in data communications. As we are in the era of data-driven research, IMC 2024 will focus on improving the standard in the collection, usage, and sharing of network measurements for the research community. IMC 2024 will continue the Replicability Track for submissions that aim to reproduce or replicate results that have been previously published at IMC. Full papers (up to 13 pages) and short papers (up to 6 papers) are invited for submission. 
        For more details, see: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/imc/2024/cfp/.
    10. Call for Nominations: SIGCOMM Education Director
        The SIGCOMM Education Director is a member of the SIGCOMM Executive Committee who is responsible for coordinating activities aimed at creating educational material and opportunities on various networking topics for students and our members, as well as for soliciting and initiating new activities in those areas. Examples of past such activities include contributions to organizing shadow TPCs, supporting summer schools, organizing education workshops, initiating the CoNEXT student workshop, editing the SIGCOMM ebook on recent advances in networking, etc. The next Education Director is encouraged to consider new, innovative activities. Maybe you could help create an LLM for networking research, or organize an online SIGCOMM paper reading group for the community. Interested parties should email caesar@illinois.edu, who will bring candidates forward to the EC for consideration.
    11. Call for Site Proposals for SIGCOMM'26
        The SIGCOMM EC is excited to announce the call for site proposals for SIGCOMM 2026! As we plan for another impactful conference, we invite potential organizers to propose exciting locations and venues. SIGCOMM follows a three-year rotation (North America, Europe, and 'wild card'), so 2026 is "wild-card", so proposals should be outside North America and Europe.
        Here's your chance to shape the future of SIGCOMM and showcase your geographic region and its vibrant research ecosystem. Strong proposals should be near a major international airport, within reach of regular train/cab/shuttle service, have a venue to hold and provide Internet connectivity for over 700 attendees. Please submit your proposals by May 31st, 2024. 
        For more details, see: https://www.sigcomm.org/conference-planning/sigcomm-planning/site-proposal-instructions.

  • November 12, 2023


    1. SIGCOMM'24 Call for Papers
        The SIGCOMM 2024 conference will be held the week of August 4th in Sydney, Australia. The conference seeks paper submissions describing significant research contributions or significant deployment experience in communication networks and networked systems. Submissions will be accepted in two tracks, research and experience. The submission deadline is Feb 2, 2024.

        New this year: Based on the community feedback at SIGCOMM 2023 and the online discussion on change, the SIGCOMM 2024 organizers will explore and implement changes to both the paper reviewing and conference experience; e.g., 

    • Including releasing anonymized and sanitized reviews for accepted papers, as well as submitted versions of the accepted papers
    • Exploring new " non-paper sessions" of various types for enhancing community interactions such as emerging/unaddressed research topics, and student mentoring.

        To submit papers, use this link: https://sigcomm24.hotcrp.com/.

        Looking forward to your submissions and participation!
        Please check the website for more details.
    2. APNet'24 Call for Papers
        The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking (APNet'24 https://conferences.sigcomm.org/events/apnet2024/index.php) will take place on August 3-4, 2024, in Sydney, Australia, co-located with SIGCOMM'24. APNet aims to bring together the very best researchers in computer networking and systems across the Asia-Pacific region and around the globe to a live forum discussing innovative ideas at their early stages. The mission of APNet is that promising but not-yet-mature ideas can receive timely feedback from the community and experienced researchers, leading them into publications at major conferences such as SIGCOMM, NSDI, SOSP, OSDI, MobiCom, and CoNEXT. APNet'24 seeks submissions of short papers (up to 6 pages, excluding references) on a wide range of networking research topics. The abstract registration deadline is March 8 (Friday), Anywhere on Earth, 2024. The paper submission deadline is March 15 (Friday), Anywhere on Earth, 2024. To submit papers, use this link: https://apnet24.hotcrp.com.Details are shown in https://conferences.sigcomm.org/events/apnet2024/

    3. CoNEXT'24 Call for Papers
        The Proceedings of the ACM on Networking (PAMCNET) journal is seeking papers containing significant and novel research results on emerging computer networks and its applications. All accepted long papers will also be presented in the ACM CoNEXT 2024 conference (https://conferences.sigcomm.org/co-next/2024/#!/home), which will be held in Los Angeles, California, USA in December 2024. This is a new model that strives to combine the benefits of both conference and journal based publication. We especially encourage submissions that present novel experimentation, creative use of networking technologies, and new insights made possible using analysis. There are two submission opportunities over the course of the year. The November submission deadline is December 4th, 2023 (the registration deadline is November 27th, 2023). A link to the call for papers is here: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/co-next/2024/#!/cfp
    4. IMC'24 Call for Program Committee Members
        In an effort to broaden the community and have a larger program committee, the 2024 edition of the Internet Measurement Conference is soliciting applications to be on the TPC. If you are interested, please fill out this form by November 30thhttps://forms.gle/7u35ezEzZczwy8sAA. Also, please share it with others who might be interested. Junior members of the community or newcomers to the IMC community are very welcome. We hope to see you in Madrid around this time next year!
    5. CoNEXT'23 Call for Participation
        The CoNEXT 2023 Conference will be held in Paris, France this December 5-8, 2023. Come join us! In addition to an exciting array of papers and posters, there will be multiple workshops (including the traditional Student Workshop), multiple keynotes, a social dinner, a museum visit at the Musee des Arts et Metiers, and more! New this year: the conference plans to react to community feedback on "change" in multiple ways, including an activity related to artifacts (we are excited to announce 80% of papers announced they will release their artifacts!). To join us, please register at:
    6. HotNets'23 Program Released
        The HotNets 2023 Workshop will be held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA this November 28-29, 2023. The venue will bring together researchers in computer networks and systems to engage in a lively debate on the theory and practice of networking. HotNets provides a venue for discussing innovative ideas and for debating future research agendas in networking. A list of accepted papers has been put online: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/hotnets/2023/program.html. PDF links will be added soon.
    7. Networking Channel Upcoming Events
        The NetworkingChannel is a regular online event on topics of interest to the networking community, ranging from research, to descriptions/discussions of commercial networked systems, to global societal considerations, to education and careers in networking. The entire networking community is welcome! Our Fall 2023 schedule is posted here: https://networkingchannel.eu/networking-events/
        All events are free of charge. Please join us!
        We actively solicit suggestions for event topics as well as volunteers who might be willing to organize a future event of interest to the community. Please contribute your ideas here https://networkingchannel.eu/contact/
    8. Statement on Change
        The SIGCOMM community is leading an open and decentralized effort to collect and encourage adoption of proposals for change to our conferences. We are collecting ideas, will apply vetting, create a menu of suggestions, and encourage those responsible for organizing conferences to pick up and experiment with some of those ideas. The SIGCOMM EC has created a web site to keep track of some of these ideas.  It is accessible here: https://www.sigcomm.org/change.
        The EC has also held discussions with upcoming conferences to understand their plans for adopting proposed ideas. While more work needs to be done, and practical challenges are becoming more clear, the EC is encouraged by and impressed with the tenacity and eagerness of all conference organizers in considering and undertaking adoption of community ideas. The EC appreciates the patience and efforts of the community to support volunteer conference organizers in making these changes, which often require far more work than is immediately apparent. We appreciate the willingness of the SIGCOMM community to consider experimenting with change and we believe exciting things are in store in the coming years.
    9. Call for Nominations: SIGCOMM Doctoral Dissertation Award
        We are delighted to announce the call for nominations for the SIGCOMM Doctoral Dissertation Award. Established in 2011, this award is designed to recognize and honor outstanding doctoral thesis research in the field of computer networking and data communication. The award will be presented to one winner and up to two runners-up at the annual ACM SIGCOMM conference. The winner will receive a plaque, a $1,500 honorarium, and a complimentary registration to the following year’s ACM SIGCOMM Conference. The runners-up will each receive a plaque.
        Each nominated dissertation must be on a topic related to computer networking and data communication, and must have been successfully defended at the nominee’s host institution during the 12 months before the submission deadline. Submissions must be received by the current SIGCOMM Awards Chair by December 18. Please see the nomination guidelines for more information.

        We look forward to your nominations!

  • December 6, 2021





    SIGCOMM 2022 CFP

    SIGCOMM is coming to Amsterdam in 2022!


    Check the CFP: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2022/cfp.html 


    Look forward to your submissions and participation!


    Call for Participation :: ACM CoNEXT 2021 Conference (Dec. 7-10, 2021 - Virtual)

    Registration is open.  There's a very interesting technical

    program and multiple workshops (including the student workshop).

    More info here: https://conferences2.sigcomm.org/co-next/2021/#!/home 


    Registrations here:



    But see also Registration Grants for those in need:



    Looking forward to virtually seeing you!


    Rising star award: Laurent Vanbever (ETH Zurich)


    The rising star award committee -- Alex Snoeren (UCSD, chair), Paul Barford (WISC), Brad Karp (UCL), and Renata Teixeira (Inria) -- announced this year's recipient of the ACM SIGCOMM Rising Star Award: Laurent Vanbever of ETH Zurich.


    The award is in recognition of outstanding research contributions, early in his career, toward improving the flexibility, correctness, and security of Internet routing. Hearty congratulations to Laurent on this well-deserved recognition!


    Laurent will be a keynote speaker in the upcoming CoNEXT 2021 conference (check out the full program: https://conferences2.sigcomm.org/co-next/2021/#!/program).


    Each year, ACM SIGCOMM presents a "Rising Star" Award, recognizing a young researcher - an individual within 10 years of receiving their highest university degree - who has made outstanding research contributions to the field of communication networks during this early part of her or his career. Depth, impact, and novelty of the researcher's contributions are key criteria upon which the Rising Star award committee evaluates the nominees. Also of particular interest are strong research contributions made independently from the nominee's PhD advisor.


    The SIGCOMM Rising Star award was initiated by the CoNEXT steering committee in 2006, then adopted by SIGCOMM in 2008. More information about the award and the list of past recipients can be found here: https://www.sigcomm.org/awards/sigcomm-rising-stars


    Updates in the SIGCOMM Industrial Liaison Board

    The SIGCOMM Industrial Liaison Board (ILB) has been updated:


    • Chair: Dave Oran (Network systems Research & Design / MIT)
    • Lars Eggert (NetApp)
    • Te-Yuan Huang (Netflix)
    • Jeff Mogul (Google)
    • Jennifer Rexford (Princeton University)
    • Jitu Padhye (Microsoft)


    The goal of the SIGCOMM Industrial Liaison Board is to come up with ideas and suggestions to increase industry participation at SIG-sponsored conferences. A better industry-academic collaboration should help improve the practice of networking, because academics have lots of ideas that are likely to be of value to industry; improve academic research, because industry has lots of interesting problems that would benefit academic research; and create opportunity for students.


    Learn more about the ILB https://www.sigcomm.org/content/sigcomm-industrial-advisory-board


    SIGCOMM is hiring!


    The Information Services area of SIGCOMM is working on a fresh roadmap for SIGCOMM IT. Our current top priorities include improving the current Web site (both from a content as well as an back-end infrastructure perspective) and enhancing our overall communication channels.


    To this end, we are looking for one student (regularly enrolled in an education institution around the world) motivated in contributing to the SIGCOMM community and with adequate skills in Web technologies and platforms (e.g. HTML, Drupal).


    Estimated weekly time efforts (e.g., 8 to 16 hours/week) as well as the salary (i.e. from 15 to 25 USD/hour) will be negotiated with the candidate after the interview process of candidates.


    Candidates should send their interest statements (motivation letter + CV) regarding the position (initially for 6 months) to christian@sigcomm.org until Dec-31, 2021.

  • November 9, 2021





    Call for Participation :: ACM SIGCOMM HotNets'21 (November 10-12)


    ACM SIGCOMM HotNets'21 registration is open now, featuring an exciting programme:



    Student registration is free, $5 for ACM members and $15 for non-members.


    Registration info: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/hotnets/2021/register.html 



    Networking Channel :: Upcoming Panels


    The Networking Channel has several exciting upcoming talks, including an overview of technologies behind Netflix (Nov 10), a panel on research challenges in quantum networking (Nov 24), and a discussion of the human and social aspects of computer networking (Dec 8). For more details and to register (for free), please visit:



    To view previous events, including “Networking Education During and After the Pandemic” held on Oct-13, please visit:







    Updates in SIGCOMM EC and CARE committees


    The SIGCOMM Executive Committee (EC) has been updated:


    Likewise, the Committee to Aid REporting on discrimination and haraSsment policy violations (CARES) has been renovated:


    Check further info on SIGCOMM officers at:



    And learn more about CARES at:





    SIGCOMM is hiring! Looking for a motivated and Web-skilled student!


    The Information Services area of SIGCOMM is working on a fresh roadmap for SIGCOMM IT. Our current top priorities include improving the current Web site (both from a content as well as an back-end infrastructure perspective) and enhancing our overall communication channels.


    To this end, we are looking for one student (regularly enrolled in an education institution around the world) motivated in contributing to the SIGCOMM community and with adequate skills in Web technologies and platforms (e.g. HTML, Drupal). Estimated weekly time efforts (e.g., 8 to 16 hours/week) as well as the salary (i.e. from 15 to 25 USD/hour) will be negotiated with the candidate after the interview process of candidates.


    Candidates should send their interest statements (motivation letter + CV) regarding the position (initially for 6 months) to christian@sigcomm.com until Nov-30, 2021.

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